“Christian” Left post-election meltdown: Pass the popcorn.

Note: I’ll continue to update this at the bottom.  Their “Oh, the humanity” hypocrisy and drama won’t end soon.  Is it a sin to be intoxicated from drinking “Christian” Leftist tears?  Because they are truly schadenfreudelicious!

It couldn’t happen to a bunch of more ravenous wolves.  The “Christian” Leftists are really over the top after Trump’s win.  While even Hillary was able to be a good loser in her speech (although that may have just been a “Please don’t put me in jail, Donald!” message) and Obama has thus far been gracious to Trump because of how Bush was so gracious to Obama, those are far better than the reactions of the rest of the “Christian” Left.

They’re going to reverse and erase everything President Obama did. They don’t even try to keep it a secret.

No kidding! I can’t believe they actually typed that. Obama and the media repeatedly lied about Obamacare and more, used the IRS to punish his enemies, tried to destroy the military, expanded perversions 24×7 and more. Yes, we’ll want to reverse and erase that.

Donald Trump’s win tells people of color they aren’t welcome in America

Nope. Hateful, racist comments like that are what helped Trump win. Why did so many people, including Democrats, vote for Trump? Because the Left said that no matter what they did they were evil racists. Nice move, champs.  I didn’t vote for Trump or Hillary, but the “Christian” Left made me want to vote for Trump.

And the Left’s unhinged hatred for all things conservative came back to bite them.  Even a mild-mannered centrist like President Bush had to be denounced as Hitler, etc. and blamed for every ill in the country (most caused by the Left, like the housing bubble).  Eventually people were immunized to the hyperbole.  Their shrill hatred of Trump just bounced off people.


Can someone please explain how and why we’re supposed to polite and supportive about the fact that 20,000,000 people are going to be kicked off of health insurance, including members of the TCL admin team?

Yes, I can: There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bible saying that you get to have the government — at the point of a gun — take money from your neighbor to give to you.   Where is their compassion for all those getting bankrupted by the outrageous costs of Obamacare?  Oh, right, they don’t care about others, just themselves.  Check.  We’ve got lots of great ideas about making health care more affordable, but the Democrats did Obamacare all on their own.  Oh, and we donate our own money to help people.

Has there ever been a time when a presidential election result struck fear into the hearts of millions of children? How could Trump voters be this cruel?

Wow.  Those Molech-worshiping ghouls couldn’t be more tone-deaf.  First, it was their shrill media striking fear into the kids.  Trump just said he wanted to protect our borders, as any sane country would.  And never forget that the “Christian” Left loudly and proudly insists that you can not only kill your children up to their first breath for any reason, but that your neighbors should have to pay for it.  And then they pretend to care about children?!  Another 3,500 children got crushed and dismembered today, without anesthetic, because of the compassionate, loving “Christian” Left.

One of their posts was a video from serial liar and false teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way but He sure is a bigot” Currie.  His first fear-mongering point was that women may no longer be able to kill their unwanted children up to their first breath.  To the “Christian” Left, that’s terrible.  He blasphemously said that Jesus agrees with him!  And of course he conflated legal and illegal immigration.  And he got preachy about Trump’s issues while ignoring how Currie himself has always bragged about taking his young daughters to gay pride parades.

They also denied that Trump has a mandate, even though Obama & the Leftists went from owning the Presidency, House and Senate to losing them all.

Then they plugged a “prayer to heal the nation” that includes a laundry list of false teachers as well as Muslims (because the “Christian” Left and Muslims both pray to the same god — i.e., the god of this world).

That’s why Christians are so different from the “Christian” Left.  Our beliefs about Jesus, the Bible, etc. drive our thinking and behavior.  Some Christians couldn’t vote for Trump out of conscience, and some did to avoid a much greater evil in Hillary. But the “Christian” Left wanted Hillary and Bernie because of their evils: Unrestricted, taxpayer-funded abortions, forced wealth redistribution, pushing every kind of sexual perversion, eliminating free speech, eliminating the ability to defend oneself, and so much more.  They thought her felonies were no big deal.

If they want to vent, they should direct it at their beloved Leftist media and the DNC, who worked overtime to give us Donald Trump.  But their creation was too powerful and turned on them.

And of course the “Christian” Left used the election loss to beg for money for their site. Apparently it costs lots of money to promote abortion, sexual perversions and heresies on Facebook.  Maybe if they abandoned those evils and contributed to society then they’d have more money and could help their neighbors.

It was surreal to go back to their site, as I hadn’t visited in a very long time.  Such a contrast to the authentic Christian pages I saw, where people would critique Hillary and Trump but always trust in the sovereignty of God and the real Gospel.  But the “Christian” Left quivers as those who have no real hope.  They are lost, and they somehow manage to be wolves and snowflakes at the same time.  Matthew 7:15–16 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

May God grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will (2 Tim. 2).


Human suffering on a massive scale will soon commence and the corporate media will ignore it. To add to the massive suffering most economists say Trump’s economic policies will crash the economy.

Yep.  Dogs and cats, living together, etc. will happen if, say, you appoint judges to the Supreme Court who think decisions should be based on the Constitution, if you prevent elected officials from immediately becoming lobbyists when they leave office, etc.  Most of what Trump wants are things that Bernie Sanders would say.

Anyone on this page who thinks the Donald Trump Presidency is “God’s will” please leave the page now. Most people who say that are full on hypocrites anyway. They apply Romans 13 to Republican politicians only and dismiss it completely when Democrats are elected.

The only way this is “God’s will” is if God is allowing the tribulation to begin. Conservative ideology is the opposite of God’s will. All it produces is human suffering except for the rich and the Military Industrial Complex. It’s dog eat dog, the strongest shall prevail, crush the least of these social Darwinism. It is the opposite of every single thing Jesus taught.

They are so thin-skinned that they ban anyone who thinks it is wrong to kill children up their first breath and to force others to pay for it.  And they don’t understand our views. Countless Christians I know have said that either Trump or Clinton would be God’s will and his judgment on us.  And their social Darwinism comment is priceless.  They literally preach about Darwin in their “Christian” Left churches on “Darwin Day” and mock those who deny it.  Then they pull up the drawbridge when we point out that social Darwinism would necessarily follow from their worldview.  And these pro-abortion ghouls live out their social Darwinism daily!  Trump was a moral freak for mocking the handicapped guy, but the “Christian” Left would have supported that guy being killed in the womb for his disability.

This is the kind of thing that the race-baiting Left — including the “Christian” Left — fosters daily:

The white guy was obviously racist for voting for Trump, and the “Christian” Left fights aggressively to ensure that the victims can’t protect themselves with guns.  Because love.


The “Christian” Left is now pretending to care for the white working class, even though they cheered as Obama & Co. kept their promise to bankrupt the coal industry and ignored how Obama has done nothing for low-income blacks except try to force whites to pay for their abortions (to kill more blacks!) and to import millions of illegals to take the jobs and suppress the wages of low-income blacks.

They pretend to care about Trump’s Russia connections — you know, the ones that conservatives have expressed concern about for a long time — but they didn’t care how Hillary literally sold out U.S. interests for profit.

As you’d expect, these perverts think that men should be able to go in the bathroom with girls, so of course that means to oppose it is being anti-LGBTQX.  The “Christian” Left mocks Jesus at every turn.

It is also helpful to note what the “Christian” Left is not celebrating, as it highlights how cynical and hypocritical they are.  Did they note that Tim Scott was elected to a full term in South Carolina?  Nope, doesn’t fit into their evil race-baiting meme.  Did they note that Trump’s campaign manager was the first female in that role — and that the evil Trump picked her?!  Nope, doesn’t fit into their misogyny meme.


See how “Christian” Leftist Tim Kaine completely mangles the Bible, missing the point about God’s grace and acting like Hillary is God.  Really glad he won’t be VP.

And now they are whining about the electoral college, as if they just discovered how that works.


“Christian” Leftists like false teacher Chuck “Jesus is not the only way but He sure is a bigot” Currie and Jim “the Gospel is all about wealth redistribution” Wallis are mainly disappointed that they’ll lose their perks of being tools for the Obama administration.  Wallis is a race-baiter at his core.

We’re hoping Bernie Sanders filibusters the repeal of the ACA in the Senate, and any other extreme policy the Republicans try to foist on us. It’s our only hope for the next two years.

Bernie is too busy furnishing his 3rd house to filibuster anything.  Because Socialism.  And climate change.  And hypocrisy.  And gullible “Christian” Leftists who gave him money.

Gee, why would the average American consider voting for Trump instead of a Democrat?


Friendly reminder: Don’t spend too much time commenting at their Facebook page.  They are snowflakes who can’t stand anything resembling dissent.  Even “Christian” Leftists get blocked if they note how over-the-top the site owners are.

The only thing sweeter than the tears of celebrities for Clinton is that of “Christian” Leftists.  First their non-Christian hero Bernie got shafted by their favorite political party, then “Christian” Leftist Hillary lost.

The “Christian” Left is too dishonest or too busy playing the race card to note that Trump did better with minorities than Romney — and that’s after another 4 years of shameless 24×7 Leftist race-baiting!

They don’t know or don’t care that Hillary said things like this:

Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 19, 2015, at 4:20 PM, John Podesta jpalmieri@hillaryclinton.com, <john.podesta@gmail.com>

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion….”

On Apr 19, 2015 3:58 PM, “Jake Sullivan” <jake.sullivan@gmail.com> wrote: > We are. Will insert something in next couple hours.

The “Christian” Left doesn’t care about the truth.  Via Being a Liberal Means Being a Hypocrite 2:

I am seeing a lot of people posting about how they didn’t know so many of their friends hated the LGBT community, Muslims, and women by voting Trump.
But, THIS is the kind of willful ignorance that has our country in the current mess that she’s in.
Trump defeated a woman who is funded by countries who literally murder the LGBT community for simply being LGBT and women for not toeing the line of sharia law.
He defeated a woman who has been accused of silencing sexual assaultand rape victims and/or covering up the crimes.
He defeated a woman who is on a recording, cackling over the fact that she got a child rapist a light sentence.
He defeated a woman who took money that was supposed to help devastated Haitians and paid for her daughter’s wedding.
I could go on.
If you want to support Clinton, that’s fine, but you need to own it and you need to see her for what she is, which is nothing more than a corrupt, nasty, power-hungry criminal who was out for no one but herself.

Note how racist Trump is with the hiring of his transition team head!

Look at this Leftist logic:

Bernie Sanders summarized his views succinctly and we agree. “To the degree that Mr. Trump is serious about pursuing policies that improve the lives of working families in this country, I and other progressives are prepared to work with him. To the degree that he isn’t we will vigorously oppose him.” (Paraphrase)

Here’s my paraphrase: If we agree with you, we’ll agree with you, but if we don’t we’ll fight.  Sheesh. I don’t object to their sentiment, just the idea that his statement meant anything.

This is what the “Christian” Left fosters.  Because “love wins,” right?


Final thought: The Left has actively opposed the 1st Amendment for years, trying to shut down Christian and conservative thought by calling it “hate speech.”  Will they re-think that precious Amendment when Trump tries to control the press?  These folks are as bad as the Republicans when they get in power.  They can’t think 15 minutes into the future so they forget that the exceptions they make could haunt them later.  Welcome to the world you created, Leftists. Without the “Christian” Left extremist abortion and sexual perversion agendas Trump would never have been elected.

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